Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Words to live by


On a trip to San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf back in 2003, I entered a magnet store and was quickly drawn to the inspiration quotes that lined the walls. You can browse and buy them on this site.

While I have grown immensely as a person, I am still far from whom I hoped to be at 25. I have yet to finish Nursing School and the thought of being behind my peers who are excelling in their careers makes me a tad bit green with envy. At the same time, it gives me inspiration and drive to finish what I started. I re-read this quote today and remembered why it stood out to me in the first place. I was at my peak of my life in 2006-2007 - I was going to school, working part time at the hospital and I took a chance and ventured into opening up my online boutique shop vintage-doll.com (which was a huge success). I felt accomplished. I was on top of my A-game with my fashion, dean's list at school, making great money, I took great care of myself - I looked/played the part of an entrepreneur and felt great.

I fell off. After moving back to NY from Hawaii, heartbreak and getting sick I questioned and doubted my motives and life. I sat back, got too comfortable in this uncomfortable situation and did nothing about it. I kinda rolled with the punches and didn't take control of my life like how I used to. So not my steeze.

NOTE TO SELF:  You forgot how it is to think of only the best and BE only the best. "Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others." And so you should utilize your time more by being more positive, radiant and work on the things you need to work on and STOP BEING LAZY !!! 

  • YOU will study for your test and get into the program.
  • YOU will finish Nursing school.
  • YOU will start being fit again.
  • YOU will donate/sell your clothes to revamp your closet.
  • YOU will take care of yourself more. (esp. health wise) 
  • YOU will embrace your passion for vintage clothes and reopen your shop again.
  • YOU will take control of your life again !!!
Enough with the excuses, this shit has to end now !

The better (more productive) you

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